Friday, June 11, 2010

Battle Scars - A Post By Khyle The Warrior

Its all about battle scars. Right now, I'm laying in my mother's arms and resting up after my last battle, and I just heard Mummy counting my battle scars, and talking about what a Warrior I am. Well, I've thought about it, and I have decided that I AM a warrior. And my battle scars are the measure, the litany of my successful battles. I fought to get back to this world twice when I died nearly three years ago, and I have been fighting ever since. I have battled dragons, and monsters from the deep, so often that my Daddy sings a song about it, and calls it my Warrior's Lullaby.

So. Here I am ruminating on the meaning of battle scars. They are , I think, how one measures the true mettle of a warrior. Is he or she the kind that will fight from the back, from behind the protection of forts, and columns of infantry, allowing others to fall and die in his or her place? Or will he or she face the fight head on, armed only with what he or she can carry, and take the fight to the Enemy? Only a warrior like that can have scars. Only someone who knows how to march into battle at the front of the line can come away with scars and still be proud of them. My scars are the mark of the many battles I have fought. And won.

I am Khyle The Warrior, and I am victorious.

1 comment:

Erica Logan said...

You GO Khyle! You are learning so early a lesson I'm only now beginning to wrap my brain around... That the scars are the Ebenezers of God's victories, not the signs of our failures. We love you sweet boy.