Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One More Day?

The mantra we are getting around here is 'Just one more day', then we can go home. It is that elusive 'tomorrow that never comes'. Of course it is Khyle who will dictate when we go home, but NOT TODAY.

His stomach was distended again this morning, so they stopped his feeds and put him back on the drip. There are lots of theories but basically Khyle's digestive system has not acclimatized post-surgery. He needs to eat & poop, eat & poop. But he gets constipated, starts spitting up, tummy swells, must stop food and wait, give enema and wait some more.

So at DAY 19 we are still waiting....

I am so glad I slept home on Sunday night. Maya clung to me like 'white on rice' like they say and it did my heart good to love on her and be loved in return. Quincy is back to work tomorrow, thus I am the full regiment tonight. Well me Jesus, God & the Holy Ghost that is :)

Keep the prayers coming friends, thanks!

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